Terms and Conditions

Azeta.pro is operated by Dr Alessandro Zorgniotti. Please read the terms of this agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement") carefully, as by entering the site you agree to be subject to the following terms and conditions.


In order to access and use the community services offered by the site Azeta.prosuch as newsletters, directories and e-mail services (hereinafter referred to as 'Community Services') is necessary:

confirm acceptance of these general terms and conditions governing the use of the site and access to and use of the Community Services;

register by filling in a registration form (hereinafter the 'Registration Form').

The data provided by the user (hereinafter referred to as the 'User') at the time of registration shall be subject to the processing described in the information notice provided for by Law No. 675 of 31 December 1996. This information notice shall be submitted to the User prior to the registration procedure.


Content entered by Azeta.pro

All material on this site is the property of Azeta.pro or its licensors and is protected by copyright law. You may not copy, modify, reproduce, republish, post, transmit or distribute in any manner or by any means, any materials from this site, including the underlying code and software, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.

Azeta.pro authorises the use of the site and its contents for personal and non-commercial use only, allowing, within these limits, access to the site as well as the printing of individual pages or sections of the site.

Content entered by the User

The User grants to Azeta.proa royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive and unrestricted licence to use, copy, sub-licence, adapt, transmit, publicly display or disseminate, all information disclosed on the site.
All information disseminated on the site by means of, for example, entries in directories, comments, chats, file uploads, data entry or participation in conversations shall be licensed.
This licence does not include your e-mail account data, the privacy and integrity of which will always be protected.


Azeta.pro will ensure that the site and Community Services are always available and that content disseminated by Azeta.pro on the site are true, accurate and free of errors. Azeta.pro declares, however, that it assumes no liability whatsoever in this respect, unless otherwise provided.


The user guarantees that all material transmitted or sent to the site does not infringe the rights of third parties.

The Site and the Community Services may only be used for personal and non-commercial purposes. The User guarantees that all data indicated in the Registration Form is accurate and up-to-date at all times.
By accessing the site the user agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, whether local, national or international, and to be solely responsible for any actions or omissions that may result from the use of the services, including all activities that relate to his/her e-mail account.

The User undertakes not to use the site and the Community Services for chain letters, junk e-mail, spamming, to send duplicative or unsolicited messages (commercial or otherwise); to collect or otherwise accumulate information about other users without their consent (including e-mail addresses); to create a false identity or forged header or otherwise attempt to mislead others as to the true identity of the sender or the origin of the message; to transmit "inappropriate content"; to transmit any messages or files that contain viruses, trojans or other harmful or dangerous programs; to attempt to gain unauthorised access to the services, other accounts, or the services of other networks linked to the same, through password mining or other means, or to interfere with the use of the services by other users or other parties using similar services.

Are considered 'inappropriate content', at the absolute discretion of Azeta.proAll linguistic expressions, comments, remarks and images that are obscene, abusive, illegal, racist, defamatory, harassing, infringing, injurious to the rights of others or likely to restrict or inhibit other users from using and enjoying the services of the Community Services.

5. RIGHTS OF Azeta.pro

Azeta.pro may disconnect the website services and the Community Services, or deactivate users' accounts and their access to the services, at any time and without prior notice.
Azeta.pro reserves the right to amend these general terms and conditions in whole or in part without prior notice.
Azeta.pro reserves the right (but not the obligation) to monitor all material submitted to the site. Azeta.pro may also, in its sole discretion, edit, delete or remove any content, message or comment that it deems to be inappropriate or otherwise in breach of this Agreement.


The User is solely responsible for the use of the site and the services offered, as well as the information contained therein and distributed free of charge.
Within the limits established by applicable laws, Azeta.pro assumes no liability, direct or indirect, arising from the rules of trade, convenience, tortious behaviour or any other title.
In addition, Azeta.pro shall not be liable for the malfunctioning of the site and/or software, for missed or incorrect delivery of communications, for interruption of service, for the accuracy, quality or nature of the information obtained through the services, nor for the consequences arising from or related to any virus transmitted through the services.
Azeta.pro furthermore, it shall not be liable for any costs, losses or profits nor for any losses resulting from the use of or inability to access the site.
Azeta.pro assumes no responsibility and makes no warranty for the data provided and content entered by Users in using the Community Services through opinions, phrases or recommendations that constitute expressions of their freedom of thought not attributable to Azeta.pro

This site may be accessed from or may lead to other sites not operated by Azeta.pro.
Azeta.pro does not in any way control the information, products or services offered by such sites and shall not be liable in any way for their content.
Through the aforementioned sites, users may also purchase goods and services directly from third-party dealers who are in turn connected to the site via a link.
Users will also be able to interact with or take part in advertisement user promotions on the site.
Azeta.pro does not guarantee, in any manner whatsoever, the actions of third parties, nor any of their transactions, deals, correspondence or participation in promotions, including the delivery of and payment for goods and services and all other terms, conditions, warranties or representations relating thereto, which are solely the responsibility of the user and the third party Azeta.pro further disclaims any liability and obligation that may arise from the above-mentioned activities with respect to the parties.
The User agrees to indemnify Azeta.pro from any liability, costs, lost profits, or related losses arising from the breach of this Agreement.


The Community Service called Directory, is a service offered free of charge by Azeta.proalthough subscription to the site's Newsletter is compulsory. In order to be able to enter their own data or that of third parties into the Directory service, the User will be asked to fill in the Registration Form, providing their name, date of birth, gender, province of residence, profession and an e-mail address. The User will be asked to provide privacy consent. Entering the data requested in the Registration Form marked with the relevant symbol is mandatory in order to access and use the Service in question. The User is solely responsible for the confidentiality of the data entered.

By accepting the terms and conditions of this document, the User agrees not to include, in the use of the Directory Service, inappropriate content or in any case content that violates privacy, is protected by copyright, and links of a prohibited nature. Should anyone detect the presence of inappropriate content, as defined in section 4 above, please contact us immediately at the following e-mail address info[at]azeta.pro

It is in any case understood that any data or content entered by the user shall be the responsibility of the user.

The User declares that he/she accepts that these conditions of access to and use of the Directory Service may be changed by Azeta.pro without any notice and also agrees to periodically update this page on the terms of use. If the User does not wish to accept the new conditions of use, he/she may terminate this Agreement by sending a notice to the following e-mail address info[at]azeta.proin which the User declares that he/she wishes to renounce the use of the Community Services.

The User may however request deactivation of the Community Services at any time by sending a notice to the e-mail address info[at]azeta.proin which he declares that he wishes to renounce the use of the Community Services.


This Agreement shall be governed by Italian law and all disputes between the User and Azeta.pro are reserved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of Tirana.

Should the provisions of this Agreement be held invalid or unenforceable, they shall nevertheless be interpreted in such a manner as to reflect the common intentions of the parties in accordance with the remaining provisions of this Agreement.

The failure of Azeta.prorights and provisions set forth in this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver thereof unless expressly stated in writing by Azeta.pro

Pursuant to Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, I hereby declare that I have read and specifically approve the clauses set forth in the following points of the General Terms and Conditions: 2. Azeta.pro, 6. Limitation of liability, 7. Specific conditions of use of the Community Services and 8. Jurisdiction and competent court.

municipality of lezha
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