
How much does it cost to open a company in Dubai?

Opening a company in Dubai involves varying costs depending on the type of company and the area in which you decide to register it. Here is a summary of the costs associated with opening a company, both in the Free Zone than in the Mainland.

Costs of Opening a Company in Free Zones

  • Basic Cost: The costs of opening a company in a Free Zone start from approx. USD 5,500 (about 20,000 AED) for a company with a single shareholder, no residence visa and an online bank account. This package is suitable for service activities, such as e-commerce and dropshipping.
  • Companies with a Residence Visa: If you wish to include a residence visa and a physical office, costs can rise to 10,000-11,000 USD (about 36,000-40,000 AED) for a service company with only one shareholder.
  • Additional CostsEach additional visa may cost between 2,000 AED and 3,000 AEDand renting a physical office of the company can significantly increase the total cost, depending on the chosen Free Zone.

Costs of Opening a Company in the Mainland

  • Basic Cost: Opening a company in the Mainland of Dubai costs around 5,000-6,000 USD (about 18,000-22,000 AED), to which must be added the costs of renting the physical premises.
  • Local Property: It is important to note that, unless specific assets allow 100% ownership by foreign investors, a local partner is generally required to hold at least 51% of the shares.

As we have seen the costs of opening a company in Dubai can vary considerably depending on several factors, such as the type of business, the number of visas required and the need for a physical office. If you want to know the costs clearly, it is advisable to consult a professional to obtain a precise and customised cost estimate based on your business needs.

How much does it cost to add an office to a company in Free Zone?

Adding a physical office to a company registered in a Free Zone in Dubai incurs variable costs depending on the specific Free Zone chosen and the size of the office. Here is a summary of the associated costs:

Costs of Adding a Physical Office

1. Office rental

Rental costs for a physical office can vary widely. In general, monthly rent can start from approx. 2,000 AED (about 550 USD) and may increase depending on the location and size of the office. In some Free Zones, office costs can be significantly higher, especially if larger space or additional services are required.

2. Additional Expenses

In addition to rent, there may be additional costs such as:

  • Security Deposits: Some Free Zones require a security deposit, which may vary according to the rental agreement.
  • Costs of Services: Expenditure on utilities, internet and other utilities may increase the total cost.
  • Registration Costs: Adding a physical office may also entail additional registration costs in the Free Zone.

3. Total Cost

In general, if one decides to open a physical office, the total cost of setting up the company can increase significantly, reaching figures that can exceed 10,000-15,000 USD (about 36,000-55,000 AED) depending on specific needs and the chosen Free Zone.

It is essential to carefully assess your business needs and consider the costs associated with opening an office in a Free Zone. Consulting local experts or consultancy agencies can be helpful in obtaining more precise estimates and guidance on which Free Zone might be the most suitable for your needs and the sector in which you operate.

How much does it cost to obtain a residence visa for a shareholder of a company in Dubai

Obtaining a residency visa for a company shareholder in Dubai involves specific costs that vary depending on the Free Zone chosen and other factors. Here is a summary of the associated costs:

Residence Visa Costs

  • Cost of Visa: The cost for a residence visa for a shareholder of a company in the Free Zone is generally between 2,000 AED and 3,000 AED (about USD 550-800) per visa. This cost may vary depending on the Free Zone and the services included in the package.
  • Additional Expenses: In addition to the cost of the visa, there may be additional expenses, such as:
    • Physician's Fees and Certificate of Fitness: It is necessary to undergo a medical examination, the cost of which may vary, but is generally included in the visa package.
    • Registration CostsSome Free Zones may charge additional registration or administrative costs.
  • Additional VisasIf the shareholder wishes to bring family members or employees, each additional visa will have a similar cost, thus increasing the total cost.

It is important to consider the costs of setting up an office together with those of obtaining a residence visa. These costs may vary depending on the Free Zone chosen and the specific business needs. It is advisable to consult local experts or consultancy agencies for detailed and up-to-date information on the specific costs and requirements for a Dubai residency visa.

How long does it take to obtain a residence visa for a shareholder of a company in Dubai?

The time required to obtain a residency visa for a shareholder of a company in Dubai may vary, but in general, the process is relatively quick. Here is a summary of the processing time:

Processing Times

  • Demand Processing: The Dubai immigration office typically takes up to 48 hours to process the residence visa application, provided that all the necessary documentation is correctly submitted and that there are no complications.
  • Overall Process: Although processing may only take 48 hours, the total time to obtain a residence visa may extend to 1-2 weeks. This includes the time needed to prepare the documents, the compulsory medical examination and the possible wait for the final visa issue.

It is important to ensure that all documents are in order and that all requirements are met to avoid delays in the process.

If you are interested in exploring investment opportunities in Dubai or you would like more information on tax advantages and the tourism sector, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts are ready to provide you with personalised advice and guide you on your investment journey in Dubai.

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